Lancaster Weather and Climate
The Lancaster weather and climate similar to most regions of the East Coast. Spring can vary from one part of the day to the next. It is not unusual for the temperature to shift from cool to warm or from rainy to sunny from one day to the next. It tends to be the rainiest season. Overall, spring is planting season and the countryside tends to be at its loveliest with a variety of colors all around. Summer can be hot and can reach 100 degrees on occasion. Most of the time the temperature is somewhere in the eighties and low nineties. Summer thunderstorms can be quite heavy at times but they don't last very long. Autumn is a beautiful time to come to Pennsylvania Dutch Country. It is the season of the harvest and it tends to be the driest time of the year. The temperature tends to be quite pleasant and the humidity low. Although temperature may reach as low as 40 degrees it often reaches as high as the upper sixties. If you decide to come in autumn, a light jacket or sweater is advised. Winter is a quiet and relaxed time in Lancaster County. Temperatures usually range from the low thirties to the low fifties. Snowstorms are always a possibility and can drop anywhere from 1 inch to more than a foot of snow.
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